33 May 29 1994 Astrology

People born on may 28 1994 are governed by gemini. The element for this sign i…

32 Star Order In Astrology

Each sector is named for a constellation it passes through. There is a permane…

34 Yahoo India Astrology Virgo

A new moon on october 19 screams relationship potential. You are an earth sign…

31 What Is A Astrology

However in its essence it is a spiritual science the bridges our inner experie…

35 New York Times Astrology

Illustration by shannon linthe new york times. Jupiters influence on your birt…

25 Sub Lord In Kp Astrology

One of my dear reader abhijeet has asked me to post the nakshatra table and th…

27 Veshi Yoga In Astrology

As per its definition pervasive in vedic astrology it is said that if there is…

34 My Astrology In Kannada

Know your life see your future. ದನದನ ರಶ ಭವಷಯ dina bhavishya means daily rashi …